stepping stones that lead girls to God's purpose for their lives.....

Friday, January 29, 2010

(Study 1) My Faith and Works together, What the heck does this mean?

As I began to study this morning, I started in the book of James as he was sharing about how your faith (what you believe in) is dead without works (actions).

James 2:22 "Seest thou how faith wrought (operated) with his works (talking about Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac), and by his works (actions) was faith made perfect (complete)?"

So I began to contemplate that as I believe God and His promises, then I'm to act on them. I'm to go forward throughout my day acting on the things I believe. We do anyway. If you believe your car's going to start in the morning, you jump behind the seat and reach for the ignition with your key. We act on what we believe.

In my study today I began to ask myself, then, what I have faith in right now, in this time in my ministry. The list I scratched down was:

1. I have faith that God is with me.

2. I have faith God has called me to be a teacher of His word to Women.

3. I have faith God is showing me His ways in the Word.

If these are the things (right here right now) I have faith in, then what are the corresponding actions or works that show I have faith in these things?

1. Since I have faith that God is with me, then my actions (or works) are to obey Him in all things He's instructing me to do.

2. Since I have faith that God has called me to be a teacher of His word to Women, my actions (or works) are prepare in the Word for when I meet these Women.

3. Since I have faith God is showing me His ways in the Word, my actions (or works) are to be in the Word to give Him opportunity to show me His ways.

He gave me insight that Him showing me His ways in the Word is Him teaching me. And as I am willing to be in the Word (as He's called me into this indepth study) I am letting Him teach me, that's my preparation for the Women He has called me to teach.

He has a way of showing you things that may seem like a 'duh' to some, but not so with the one He's speaking to. To know something is one thing. To see it backed up in scripture is a whole other thing. Some wise Man once instructed me 'show me book, chapter and verse for what you're saying'. I suppose God is teaching me those books, chapters and verses.

To close this 1st study blog, God wanted me to go back to the verse again to see something special. At the beginning and end of the verse He says "Seest thou, then a question mark". God was asking ME this question! And as the scripture says ' by works (actions) was faith (what is believed) made complete. So Faith alone is dead. Works alone is vain. It's faith and works together that bear good fruit!

Thank you for joining me in my first study blog of indepth study of the Word of God. I hope you continue to read my entrys and feel free to add a comment that will expound on this study. We can all learn from each other. Anyone want to share?

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