I am writing this by the leading of the Spirit. I was in my quiet time with the Lord this morning, in my devotional and the scriptures referenced took me to Matthew 11. In verse 28 Jesus is speaking and says ‘come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest’. I then read on in verse 29 where He says ‘Take My yoke upon you’….. I had to stop there.
Many of you cannot take one more thing on. You cannot imagine taking on one more thing on your back. You’re so heavy right now with so much you’re carrying, you cannot even think of adding one more thing to your life. This burden you’re carrying may be your schedule where you’ve got so many things lined up; your responsibilities at work, your life at home with your Spouse and children, or perhaps you’re a single Parent and have it all at home, the whole burden. You have the kids schedules on top of your own, your obligations with helping your Parents that are aging, your friends that constantly beckon your attention, and your Church life of helping with the youth, or being on the Worship Team. You’re stacked. You’re stretched. You’re heavy with all this load. Plus many of you are having financial troubles on top of all this burden. It’s not enough that the world is pulling at you, but your personal foundation seems to be crumbling. You’re nervous all the time, you’re not sleeping well, you’re eating tums like they are skittles……. You feel like a wreck inside.
So as I read where Jesus says ‘take My yoke upon you’ I told Him “Lord so many people can’t read this and be relieved, help me see these verses in the manner you meant them”. My eyes went to end of the verse above it and stopped; ‘and I will give you rest’. There it is. We read through these verses in the bible, not knowing what they truly mean. Seriously. We wouldn’t tell someone that’s walking down the road hitchhiking to come to the next stop and sit with us and we’ll give them rest. We’d tell them to come to the next stop and we’d help them take off their backpack, unload their heavy carrying load and help them relax. Now….. we know a little more of what Jesus is saying here ‘Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will take off your load, help you get seated, and even help you relax’.
How would it feel to unload your life’s pack?
It would feel good, wouldn’t it? It’s okay, be truthful. If you’re in a real stressful season there is noise all around you. Others may not be able to hear it, but you do. Stress was designed to be our warning sign. But in our culture today, it’s become the norm and it’s even stylin to be under some of it. Well…. I totally disagree. Stress is our warning. It’s our warning that too much is coming at us, and we need to close the door on it. Some stress you can’t close the door on permanently. But you can close it for this evening. You can close the door, leaving it outside, not to get in at you. But much of our stress can be closed out permanently.
I’ve just come through one of the most stressful things I’ve gone through in quite some time. I have extreme health issues, causing severe weakness. I knew I wasn’t supposed to sign the lease on my little house I was renting for another year. Well, then that means I had to move. Severe horrid stress began to knock on my door. I’m a very responsible person. I’m not a slacker. I get things done somewhat early, so there’s no hairy deadline. I don’t do that in life. I’m efficient. I’m a planner. Well, I did what any planner does. I put dates on the calendar for this. Then another date on the calendar for that. That would enable this to get done after that. All these dates on the calendar began to loom over my head with no energy, but weakness left to do them. As time wore on, I knew surrender to God along the way was my only hope. I knew He had a plan through this. And as time moved, my plan was plucked up and His put in place. Though it should have calmed me down, the responsibility in such a weakened state wore at my very fiber.
This is what stress is designed to do; wear at our very fiber. It’s an underminer of all our securities, our sure foundations, our surities.
So as Jesus says ‘come to Me’, we are given a great opportunity to go to Him and get a little rest. But how do we receive this rest? How do we allow Him to take our heavy pack off our back? The first obvious thing is we have to be willing to allow Him to take our burden. That seems like a duh, but so many people aren’t familiar with His ways, and they willingly walk away from the greatest place of rest known to Man. First, be willing to allow Him. Choose to say ‘yes Lord. I’ll let you take this burden’. Then second we have to ask Him to take it. He doesn’t manhandle us. We have to ask Him, allowing Him space in our space to do it. Would you like to do that right now? Then let’s do it, let’s ask Him:
Lord Jesus, we have a problem. But according to the scriptures, You are able to take the problem. You are quite able. You are Mighty and Powerful. You, as Creator know how you made me. You know what level of burden I’m able to bear, in how you designed me. I’ve got too much on me. I have too much to carry. Will you take off this burden, relieve my heaviness and replace it with rest? I’m asking You. I’m coming as You say in scripture to receive this rest you talk about. I’m allowing You now to take it, Jesus. I am allowing You in my space to relieve my pressure. I’m allowing You to take control and leave me lighthearted. I’ve needed this for so long. I accept Your peacefulness into my life, into my space, into my heart. I’m letting go of the burden now. I am accepting Your peace. I thank You for this. This is much lighter to carry. You were right. You have given me rest. Now walk on with me. Walk on into my future so I don’t take on more again, more than I can carry. Watch over me that I carry only what You want me to carry. I’m amazed at the light feeling I have. Only You could do this. In Your Name, Jesus. Amen………
ps: you know how Jesus took my burden of moving? He called on many of my special friends to come pack and move me. MIRACLE! thank you Guys!!! I can never repay you! And .... thank you Jesus!
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Great word, Cindy! Our Lord takes such great care of us, when we allow Him to. so glad you were able to allow him to give you rest. Love ya, - kath