stepping stones that lead girls to God's purpose for their lives.....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

You are not alone

So many of us try to get to God ..... on our own. We try we try we try, but there is so many wrong things we do, we seem to climb a step and because of wrong moves we feel we have to take two or three steps back down. But God says 'you can not get to me on your own.It's up to me to bring you up higher once you have lowered yourself'. We say 'Lord, what do you mean by this? I'm told over and over to reach and reach and try to come up where you are'. But I tell you today, unless you humble yourself, you will not be able to see Him. He is not a God that can be acheived. He is not a statue that He can be chiseled. He is living, loving and a holy God. Only through us lowering ourselves and telling Him 'I'm only here to worship you Lord', can we then be lifted up and into His arms.

Lowering yourself is a simple act. It's knowing you can do nothing, say nothing, it is a heart thing. Be simple and act accordingly. Just sit and know that He is God ..... and we are not!

let us pray:

God we do this, this very moment. We bow our hearts before you. We can do nothing to earn a position with you, an audience with you, yes You inhabit the praises of your people, but if your people are not humble you cannot hear their cries. We humble ourselves before you now Lord. We take off this mask and give it to you. It's not worked for us in the past, and especially before you Lord, it does not work. We give it to you, but ask, in it's place give us the heart of glory, the heart of cleanliness, the heart that will reflect a face full of your Son, Jesus Christ. And in His precious name we will ask these things......Amen~