stepping stones that lead girls to God's purpose for their lives.....

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

An Encouraging note from ME!

I just want you to know, this morning, that no matter what you are going through, God cares about it. No matter how hurt or frustrated you've become, God cares about it. So many talk about 'casting your care upon the Lord', but what does this really mean? What....does it mean?

Casting is throwing. Throw it on Him. Throw it .... onto HIM, JESUS CHRIST. Right now, whatever you're dealing with, what ever is plaguing you, or frightening you. Some of you are so frightened, that you can hardly move. You're just moving so causiously through your day, hoping no one can tell.

Well, God can tell. He's sending me right now, this very moment, to tell you to call on Him, holler to Him, to let Him know you need Him. He wants to help you. Let's pray:

God that's what we do right now, is call on you. We ask you for your mercy for us, for you are merciful, powerful, loving, conquering, mighty and victorious. Nothing has the power to overcome YOU. We need you, God. We need your touch, your breath, your power to cover us, Lord. We ask, in the name of your Son Jesus Christ, to come down, take control, as we throw these stinking things to YOU. That's what they are doing to our lives, is stinking up our lives. Take it Lord. Take it right now, but the power that is Yours. We love you Lord. Wrap your love around us, Lord. Take us down the path of peace. Let your peace guide us today and forward, for we need you. We give you honor, we give you praise. For you are our light in the darkness. There you ARE. There you ARE, Lord. We can see you now. Thank you Lord. Thank you for sending your Son to save us, to rescue us. We accept right now His help. In His name, Jesus......AMEN!!!! if you need prayer, message me at and I'll pray with you and help in anyway I can! May God richly bless you TODAY!!!

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