stepping stones that lead girls to God's purpose for their lives.....

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

(Study 5) You Have a Specific Purpose (part one)

The going phrase amongst the Church in this age has been 'your purpose'. 'What is your purpose?' So many feel a drawing, a pulling, a calling if you will to do specific things on this earth. In times past, I began to ask God to reveal to me my purpose. And after a half a year of seeking Him, He revealed through certain circumstances that my purpose was that of a comforter. I am a comforter. Many friends, acquaintances and even strangers have commented on how calming my words or even my voice can be at times when needed the most. However goofy I many act, there seems to be a calming effect on people. Well, God created me that way. But if you're around me for very long, you'll begin to hear in my words and you'll feel and sense it as truth, the very source of that peace and calm and comfort. Apart from Christ we can do nothing. You'll find very quickly the source of this comfort is Jesus Christ and what He did for me on the Cross and burial and resurrection. No one can take credit for the good that comes from their life as a Christian, because God sees His Son's blood and sacrifice when He looks at US. He sees us, but through the life giving blood and sacrifice Jesus, our joint-heir, our Brother, gave freely. It's only when you surrender all you've gained in this world, disfunction, scars, wounds, fear, all the negative, even though it's hard for us to let it go because we feel that's what defines us. It's when we finally let go of all we are here on earth, in earthly eyes, no matter what, no matter who says what, but let who we are just go, is when we truly find our purpose on this earth. We have a true purpose, true calling, God has truly chosen US!

In 1 Peter 2:9 "But ye are a chosen generation".....He's chosen us. God of THE universe chose US. Do you know you are SOME-BODY? Huh? You've carried that load long enough Brother. You've thought you were not pretty long enough Sister. You, my loving Sister are the most beautiful creation on earth. God stepped back when you were born, breathed in, and let that breath out in such a sweet Fatherly sigh, moving the trees of the Forest while doing so. So that's what that awesome breeze was! Ha! Ha!

You......are chosen. Not you were. You are! You were chosen leaves room for your chance being wasted. You were, could mean when you didn't jump on the chance, it kept on moving and you lost out. No---You are! You ARE chosen.

Continuing in this verse, we are a 'royal priesthood. Yeah! A what? (as the needles scratches across the record album)! What is a royal priesthood? Well since we do not use those terms any longer. Le't look it up to SEE what it is.

Royal-Greek Strongs #934 [basileios] pronounced bas-il'-ios, also references #935, kingly nature.
#935 [basileus] pronounced bas-il-yooce', though the notion of a foundation of power.

When we hear the word royal, we think of royalty such as Queen Elizabeth or Prince Charles in rulership today. Here in the bible it says our nature is kingly. This may explain as in yesterday's study that when we do not abstain in 'unsaved human nature' desires they war against our mind, will and emotions. We have a kingly nature, through the notion of a foundation of power.

So we are chosen and have a foundation of power. So good so far? Makes you want to sit up a little taller in your chair doesn't it?

Priesthood-#2406 [hierateuma] hee-er-at'-yoo-may, also references #2407, the priestly fraternity, i.e. sacerdotal order.

Now stick with me on this. I thought what you were probably thinking. But God has purpose for everything in His Word. There's meaning here I'm asking Him for. I'm no scholar, I'm Cindy Bennett, nothing more, nothing less. I'm asking and digging. But there's a reason we're called a roayl [of a foundation of power, kingly nature] priesthood. Let's keep going and see what God shows us.

Sacerdotal-Webesters says is 'of or pertaining to a priest, offerer of sacrifices, from sacer "holy" + stem of dare "to give".

So we are from the order that offers sacrifices. Holy + to give means to me we give sacrifices that are holy.

So we are of a kingly nature, with a foundation of power, offering a holy sacrifice.  Let's look at a drawing of the tabernacle in the wilderness where the children of God, the Israelites, were to bring their sacrifices, a lamb, goat or bull, without spot or blemish, through the door of the Tent.

This door represents Jesus. Jesus says I am the door. They bring their sacrifice to the Levite [of the tribe of Levi, God said would be helpers to work in the tabernacle] and he slaughters the animal right there. He cuts it's throat and the blood is caught and poured on the four corners of the alter, God's instruction, go look it up, and the blood and the animal are sacrificed on the alter to God because He required a blood sacrifice for sin. We owed our life to God, for our debt of sin. God instead, sent Jesus, 2010 years ago to be the blood sacrifice FOR US, naming HIM the Lamb of God. He was without sin, therefore without spot or blemish. Really cool story, you need to read the Old Testiment and see the parallel.

The Levite then cleans his hands in the laver, a large basin full of water. This represents us viewing our life, cleansing our hands becoming pure and clean.

This all happens in the outer court. Everyone can see each other in the outer court. The lyrics come to mind of the song about Psalm 100:4 "We enter His gates with thanksgiving in out hearts [for what Jesus did, He is the gate, the door], We will enter His courts with praise [we praise Him for being the sacrifice for our sin]. Is this good people? Are you getting this? Stick with me, He's revealing!

The next room of the tabernacle is The Holy Place. In this room are; to the left, the Lampstand. It's full of oil and it illuminates the room. The oil represents the Holy Spirit. To the right is the Table of Showbread. Jesus said "I AM the bread of life". The bible, the bread, the Word of God, when read, the oil of the Holy Spirit illuminates it, as He's illuminating it right now, giving us spiritual bread to feed our spirit.

The other remaining piece in the Holy Place was the alter of incense. And behind this alter was a huge, tall, really really thick curtain. This was called the veil. Priests were allowed to walk around, service the Lampstand, put out fresh bread on the table, but only once a year, just once, were they allowed behind that curtain. That veil.

The day Jesus died on the Cross, that curtain was torn from the top [where no man could reach] all the way to the floor. And waht stood behind that curtain, that veil, was the place God would meet with that one priest a year, the room called the Holy of Holies. This room, where all men were unclean to step into, became accessable to all through the blood of Jesus Christ. God threw open His Throne room, threw open His arms and told us, therefore come boldly unto the Throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find help in time of need (Hebrews 4:16). What are we waiting for? Come boldly!

God we do that right now! We come before you, boldly. We throw open the doors, run through your Throne room boldly, coming to You to obtain mercy and find grace in our time of need. We have need of your help, God. We need your mightiness. We need your authority moving in our behalf, God. You say we are a royal priesthood. We have a goundation of authority. That foundation is Jesus Christ, Your Son, our King, and His sacrifice of blood for our mistakes, our failures, our sins, our evil. We ask You, as we kneel before you God, to forgive us. Forgive us of our sin, God, cleanse our heart, make us holy as You are holy, pure, innocent and clean. We accept Jesus dying in our place. We accept this gift for our life. We believe He died, was buried and rose again to bring life to us, God. Move in our lives. Our lives need a God sized movement. Take us and cause our hearts to beat as one with Yours. We love You. We praise You. We magnify you, God. We ask and accept all these things in Jesus' sweet, precious Name.


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